21 Days Prayer and Fasting.


Blessings, grace and peace of God to all!!!

This Spring season of 21 days fasting and prayer starts Sunday April 10th, 2022 to Saturday April 30th. We will concentrate our fasting and prayer in the life, ministry, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Following you will find the guiding bible verses for the first week. Use them in your daily study of the Word and prayer, that way we can be in one accord and in agreement in His word and in our prayers.

WEEK 1: The life and ministry of Jesus on earth

▶️Sun 10th: To do the will of the Father - John 6:38

▶️Mon 11th: To save sinners - Timothy 1:15

▶️Tue 12th: To bring light to a dark world - John 12:46 / John 15:22

▶️Wed 13th: To bear witness of the truth - John 18:37

▶️Thu 14th: To demonstrate true humility - Phillipians 2:5 to 8

▶️Fri 15th: To die for us - Romans 5:8 / 1 Peter 2:24 / Romans 6:23.... and many more

▶️Sat 16th: To preach the gospel - Luke 4: 18 to 19

Wait.... there is more!!!

⏺️To destroy the devil and his works - Hebrews 2:14

⏺️To bring joy - Luke 2:10

⏺️To fulfill the law - Matthew 5:17

⏺️To call the sinners to repentance - Mark 2:17

⏺️To serve - Mark 10:45

⏺️To bring peace - Ephesians 2:14 to 18

....and many, many more....

Week 2

This second week we will agree in prayer and in His word, on Jesus death at calvary's cross. The following bible verses will serve you as guidance and remembrance of that day.

Let's remove the distracting sounds and let's concentrate on the sounds of the cross.

Have an empowered week.

👑 Sun 4/17: Matt 26: 36-46

👑 Mon 4/18: John 19: 16-18

👑 Tue 4/19: Mark 15:16-20

👑 Wed 4/20: Mark 14: 53-65

👑 Thu 4/21: Mark 15:33-39

👑 Fri 4/22: Matt 27: 57-60

👑 Sat 4/23: Romans 14:9